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Archive for December 2013

Monstrous Leadership

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I just finished watching Monster University in DVD and my hands are itching to type down my insights about the hidden leadership lessons of this entertaining, fun, and amazing animated movie.

Mike Wazowski is one of the main characters and the story almost revolves around how he dreamt of becoming a scarer but had several disastrous challenges when he entered Monster University. Until one day, circumstances made him realized that he’s not meant to be a scarer. He is a natural coach– an effortless leader that develop and brings out the best in his team.

Among many of his remarkable character, I would like to highlight three of them:

  1. Motivator. When his team lost hope, after all the negative words and teases they are receiving from people surrounding them, Mike never gave up and thought of a creative way to inspire and energize them to continue going and achieving their goal which is to WIN. He took along his team to Monster Inc. where they had a chance to see the scarers doing the actual job. After tickling the emotion of his team, such moment unconsciously brought hope, confidence, and encouragement that strengthen the weakened team to be a fighter and winner.
  2. Fearless. The movie was a roller coaster ride of disappointments and failure. Despite this fact, Mike poured each of his day full of positivity and strategy. No matter how many people pushed him down, he always knew how to pull things off and rise up with a fresh new start. This attitude undeniably influences his team, big time. When he led the team during the game, there were several frustrations and hopelessness. But because Mike was fearless, he influenced his team to miraculously make impossible things possible…together.
  3. Surprising. Who would have thought that a small-cute-boy can make it in Monster University and lead a team that became a champion? Mike was the heart and soul of the team and the mystery behind each success they had. He diligently trained and developed them to bring out the best to each of his team. He maximized their strengths so they can use to their maximum advantage–an advantage that made the team stronger, wilder, and winner.

I remember Monster Inc. movie that highlighted how great scarer James P. Sullivan was. This movie revealed the man behind James’ success, an incredible monstrous leader named Mike who brought out the best in James.


Written by Leonie Millares-Magno

December 30, 2013 at 11:45 pm